Once you know Chris Borke you won’t be surprised by a quirky item listed on Boulder Valley Honey’s pricing sign at the farmers market: “Bee facts: free”. As you’ll hear in this episode, when I arrived at his farm the immersion was so immediate and so fascinating and so worth sharing that we had to stop for a minute so I could pull out the recording gear ASAP. I was equally fascinated while re-listening to our conversation and also it occurred to me: for a food that I consider a staple in that I always have some on hand, I knew very little about it’s production beyond bees and a honeycomb. If you’d like some honey produced in local apiaries by a hyper-conscious local business, check out their website. Better yet: visit them in-person at the Boulder Farmers Market, taste a few varieties, and in addition to your honey you’ll come away with new knowledge. The honey will taste that much better.